Welcome to the East Texas Builders Association
ETBA’s History- In April 1954, 22 builders and 9 associate members applied for a charter as a new association affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders and the Texas Association of Builders. May 15, 1954, four counties… Gregg, Harrison, Rusk and Upshur… were named to the new Longview Home Builders Association. Harvey Little was elected the first President. In that very first year, the association was encouraged by NAHB to conduct a Parade of Homes™ as their initial project. They did, exhibiting four homes in the Parade of 1954, starting an annual event that has continued for 60+ years.
In 1980, the Longview Home Builders changed their name to the East Texas Builders Association, adding Camp, Marion and Panola counties to its jurisdiction. In September of 2011, ETBA gained Franklin & Titus counties to be included in its jurisdiction. From the original 31 members and four counties in 1954, ETBA has grown its membership and includes nine counties.
The East Texas Builders Association (ETBA) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(6) trade association currently has approximately 390 members and has jurisdiction over 9 contiguous counties within the federation of the National Association of Home Builders and the Texas Association of Builders. These counties are Camp, Gregg, Harrison, Marion, Panola, Rusk, Upshur, Franklin and Titus.
ETBA represents the professionals of the East Texas building industry that are members of the association. ETBA supports quality and affordable housing for the home buying public. Promoting and protecting home building and home ownership is the premier call to action for ETBA’s leadership and staff.